FTL on webinar for Close Brothers
It is always uplifting to have a major company get in touch with Families Together London and ask whether we would be happy to co-host a webinar. Close Brothers, the merchant bankers in the City of London, did just that and I was delighted to participate in this open forum which was held one lunchtime via Webex.
It began with my story and how I got involved with FTL about 20 years ago. It was such a small group in those days but is now flourishing with parents from across the UK and abroad being part of our wonderful organisation. We had plenty of time for a Q and A session and since this webinar was held I am pleased to say that I have been in contact with a member of their company who wanted some guidance.
As with most large businesses there are networks specifically set up in-house for employees who are LGBT and Close Brothers is one of them.
Jackie Briggs